2912 Lake East Dr. Las Vegas, Nv 89117
2912 Lake East Dr. Las Vegas, Nv 89117
Amazing things happen every day at V.I.P. Fitness. It's a positive environment full of motivated people who want to be their best. Come see why we are Las Vegas number one choice for private gym Personal Training.
I started training at V.I.P. Fitness in February of 2014. When I booked my consultation I wasn't even sure if I was going to go through with it. I was at an all time low in my life. I was more than 100 pounds overweight. I was depressed. I could not recognize the person I saw in the mirror. I would get out of breath just climbing up the flight of stairs in my house! I wasn't even sure if they would want to work with me. I always associated Personal Training with rich celebrities and athletes.
After two months on the program I had lost ten pounds. I was feeling better and gaining confidence. I decided to apply myself 100% and work as hard as I could on my eating. That's when everything started to change dramatically. I had so much energy and felt so good that my workouts just flew by. My trainer would say, "two more" and I would do three! I couldn't wait to take on every challenge they threw at me. I was proud of who I saw in the mirror. This is who I really am!
As of December 2016 I have lost over 100 pounds. I feel amazing. Training at V.I.P. Fitness has made a new man out of me. I am healthy, fit, confident, and in control of my destiny. I am so thankful and appreciative of everything they have done for me and I recommend them to everyone I know. They are true professionals in every sense of the word.
I had been suffering from chronic knee pain for about eight years before I started training at V.I.P. Fitness. It was something that I figured I was just going to have to live with. I had seen my doctor and he told me he could prescribe some anti inflammatory drugs for me. I used them for a month and still had pain. He sent me to a physical therapy center. They gave me a generic routine of exercises that helped a little but didn't seem to solve the problem for good. When I met with Eric Sydor from V.I.P. Fitness he explained to me that each persons pain problems are unique. He told me that we would learn a little bit more about my body, and why I'm hurting, each time I come in to train. He explained that watching me interact with the exercises and workouts would shed insight into what could be causing my pain. I was skeptical because nothing that I had tried so far had worked but I was willing to try.
After two weeks, and six workouts, I was starting to think less and less about my knee. I was getting so caught up in my new exercise routine that I was distracted from thinking about my knee. Little did I know my knee was improving dramatically and I was well on my way to recovery. After three months, and 34 workouts, my knee pain was almost completely gone. Eric informed me that in those three months we had worked to establish the proper strength and flexibility of all the contributing muscles and support structures involved with my knee. He showed me anatomical models and charts that were even better than what my doctor had at his office! He educated me on how everything works in easy to understand English. He gave me hands on examples so that I could really understand how it works.
I've been training now for two years and my knees feel healthy, balanced, and strong. I felt so good that I started playing tennis for my cardio and I love it. I never thought with my knee problems I'd ever be able to get out there and play but Eric made it possible for me. He is truly a gifted natural healer. I am so lucky I found him. I will be training with him for many years to come. Thanks Eric, and thanks to V.I.P. Fitness.
As a child and into my teen years I was overweight. I was always around 20-25 pounds heavier than I thought I should be. In high school I was very shy and kept to myself most of the time because I had low self esteem and poor body image. I didn't even go on my first date until I was 18.
When I moved out and started my own career I realized that I had never been properly educated in the areas of fitness and nutrition. I took physical education class in school but never really learned what I needed to succeed. After researching several Personal Training businesses I decided to sign up at V.I.P. Fitness and it was a life changing decision.
I was so intimidated at first because I was working with a male trainer who was hot and fit. I really didn't want to let him know how scared I was so I just did everything he told me and hoped for the best. Within one week I could feel a difference. My body felt energized and alive with spirit. I was doing the workouts and being praised for my effort. I loved it! Within two weeks I had dropped three pounds and was feeling my clothes start to loosen up. I could even see a little muscle tone. I was hooked. I upped my schedule to three times a week and started making amazing progress. My friends and family all wanted to know what I was doing to look so good. I was kicking myself for not doing this sooner. After one year I have lost 30 pounds and I love my new body. I can even see my abs! Men flirt with me everywhere I go. I finally feel like the beautiful woman inside is being seen by the world. Training at V.I.P. Fitness has given me the confidence to take on my fears and fight to be the best in everything I do. It's been so much more than just an exercise program. It's been a new beginning for me. I look forward to every session and seeing how far I can go. I have finally learned how to be fit, healthy, and have a proper life balance. I cannot say enough good things about V.I.P. Fitness. They have truly opened my eyes to a beautiful new way of life.
I'd been lifting weights on and off for about ten years before I started training at V.I.P. Fitness. I thought I knew quite a bit about the subject. I would gloss over the muscle mags at the news stand and feel like I had it all down. Benching, curling, crunches...what else is there? After ten years I was starting to get bored. I was sick of hanging out at a big gym, seeing all the same people, doing all the same things. I needed something new. I found an ad for V.I.P. Fitness in my mailbox and thought, " hmmm maybe these guys can give me a tip or two." I had no idea how much I could learn and how much my body would change.
The first thing they did was ask to see my records of my training. I had none. They asked me how I was structuring my workouts and progressions. I told them I just play it by ear. I was starting to understand that these guys were serious and I was going to get a whole lot more than just a tip or two to leave with. After a long discussion of what I wanted to achieve and how much time and effort I could devote to the program we began constructing my new program. I was really impressed with the way they handled everything. They were precise, methodical, and sophisticated in their approach. They didn't just scream at me to do five more and call me names. They gave me workouts that had planned objectives and measurable outcomes. They were able to show me every time I went in to train where I was in my program and what I needed to do to get to the next level. It was a real challenge for me to be physically and mentally prepared for each session. This was exactly what I needed to get me excited about exercise and what it could do for me.
I am now three years into my training at V.I.P. Fitness. My body and my whole perspective on exercise has changed. These guys are not kidding when they say the offer "the ultimate exercise experience." They have exposed me to ideas and concepts about training I never would have explored on my own. They don't just give tips and tricks. They teach the science of training. They speak from both textbook knowledge and "in the trenches" experience. I never thought that having a Personal Trainer could change my life this much...but it has. I am so thankful that I responded to that ad in my mailbox and joined V.I.P. Fitness. They are the best!
Five years ago when I retired I realized I had to get my act together and start exercising. I wanted to enjoy my retirement and stay active. I really enjoy playing golf and spending time with my grandson. I knew if I didn't start taking care of my muscles and joints I would regret it. I checked around on the internet and found V.I.P. Fitness. I was impressed with their website and their commitment statement they had on the site. I decided to check them out and I'm really glad I did. After my first few sessions I was starting to understand how out of shape I was. Just a few minutes on a bike and I was huffing and puffing. My hamstrings were super tight and I was seeing that I had a lot of improvements to make. Thankfully I really enjoyed the sessions and even though I struggled at first I wanted to see it through and see what kind of results I could achieve.
After being on the program for six months I was really happy with how I was feeling and how my body was moving. My flexibility had improved dramatically and I was seeing my muscles perk up again like they did when I was younger. I had more stamina and was able to focus better on my golf game. I had more energy and spunk to keep up with my grandson. I had more confidence that I could do my physical tasks around the house without hurting my back or anything else. This was exactly what I hoped it would be The best thing about it for me was the privacy. I didn't want to go into a big gym and be competing with young guys who try to put a lot of weight on the machines and try to impress everyone. I'm doing this for my health, not to compete with guys half my age. At V.I.P. Fitness they have all the same quality gym equipment you would see at a big gym but it's all for me during my session. That's such a great concept!
It's been five years now that I have trained with them. It's amazing how time goes by when you are enjoying something. I'm stronger, more flexible, have more energy, have no joint pain, don't need any medications, feel great, and my wife says I'm still a hunk. Thank you V.I.P. Fitness for all of your outstanding instruction and for the amazing environment you have created.